Archive for April, 2007

a scholar and a saint

April 20, 2007

A scholar at the very least, Franklin McMahon has an abundance of wisdom when it comes to the creative professional. And the best part is that he shares his wisdom! Check out his blog and podcast at His thoughts are worth their weight in gold!

more to come

April 20, 2007

Ok, so far I have posted samples of my identity work. I am really looking forward to getting the rest of my work up! That is all.

books, books, books.

April 3, 2007

Well, the website is certainly starting to get there. Still got a ways to go. I’m really looking forward to the finished product! Enough of that… to the post!

Camarillo just got it’s new library! It is the most awesome thing to happen lately in good ole Cam. I took some really cool pictures. I plan to include some in my photography section of my website once I get to that point. Till next time!