Archive for May, 2007

freelancing tips at zenful creations blog

May 31, 2007

A list of 10 tips for freelancing. Great stuff!

read more | digg story — design that rocks

the easy button count

May 31, 2007

Over at the agency where I work one of the guys bought the art department a Staples “Easy Button” as an inside joke. Anyhow, late in the day, I decided to have a little bit of fun with it.

Easy Button

I set the easy button out in a conspicuous place where anybody walking through the art department could see it. From that point I counted each time somebody pushed the button while walking by and marked it on a post-it.


Verdict: With 18 pushes in a couple hours, the easy button is hard to resist. A nice bit of advertising for Staples. — design that rocks

illustration friday… not monday

May 26, 2007

This would have been my entry on Illustration Friday… had I not thought it was Illustration Monday.

I’ll at least post what I was going to submit on Illustration Friday. You can click on it to see a better image.

The topic was Signs, so I illustrated a double meaning of the word. The first, the literal. A sign. The second, a more obscure meaning having to do with signs and wonders that the Bible talks about Jesus and His followers performing. The word Curatio is a latin word and translates to healing. Hope you enjoy it as much as I had fun creating it! — design that rocks

just under nine years.

May 6, 2007

Last night was a night to remember. It was the night that a great ministry that has touched countless lives in it’s reign of almost nine years came to a close. King Size Zero played their last show in the very place that the band started out, at Southcoast Fellowship in Ventura, CA. I think that it is a cool fact that after 20+ members, the most at a time being seven, the band started out as a three-piece… and ended as a three-piece. I can’t help but think of the Trinity and how it’s evident that God was in this from beginning to end. It’s awesome how God reveals himself in the small details of our lives.

I count it an enormous blessing to have been able to serve in the band and to help out with design. It is also a great blessing the friendships that I have in John, Alicia and Gabe. Thanks guys! You’re AWESOME!!!

illustration? we’ll see.

May 6, 2007

This is just a couple doodles that I drew. Two robots. No story, no background. They do have names though. The one on the bottom is called Numo. The other with the wheel is called… well, Wheeler. I took scans of my drawings, brought them into photoshop, and experimented with different textures. I had a blast! At this point, I think that my illustrations will just live in my blog. Perhaps in the future I’ll do more with it. But for now this is where they will reside. Ha ha ha! Allrightythen.

the path to ascension

May 6, 2007

My brother-in-law just published a book. It is a science fiction book of short stories of which I designed the book cover. It is called The Path to Ascension.

The synopsis is as follows:
All anyone really wants is a normal life and a great adventure. Most people will settle for the adventure. Hunter Jusenkyou never wasted time wanting a normal life, because wanting things you know you’re never going to have is pointless.

Instead, find something realistic worth trying for, worth hoping for, worth fighting for. That is the secret to living well.

Abandoned at an early age, this peculiar individual is cunningly intelligent, brutally strong, and not always known for thinking things through. He lives his life fighting for the things he knows are right.

And follow the path, wherever it leads him.

This book will be available soon through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Right now it is available directly from the publisher.

well, it’s about time!

May 3, 2007

So I finally got all of my design work up online. And truly it is “about time”! I did have a little bit of troubleshooting to get through. Plus I have been really busy. I know, I know. Excuses. It does feel really good to finally have it all up. I will be adding more as things come along, but that’s just upkeep. So my next thing to tackle now is my photography! This should go much faster now.

Oh, by the way, check out, it’s great!